The complete download catalogue my be viewed via this link:
{Miniature Shipbuilding Manuscripts}
Click on any front page, and scroll down a bit after it opens to read the synopsis. The, if you wish to purchase a copy, a price is displayed, and a button provided for Paypal or cards. If printed out, these downloads will make an A4-size document. Some of these downloads are free of charge.
Many of these downloads contain detailed descriptions of miniature shipbuilding techniques for both sailing ships, or steamships. They are confined to Merchant Navy vessels. There are NO warships, although the techniques could no doubt be adapted.
Model shipbuilding plans drawn by myself are listed below in this blog. They are a standard price of £1.99 each, about the price of a cup of coffee.
By purchasing a download, you will not be opening the door to an endless stream of advertising SPAM, as I do not chase people up to purchase more.
My last printed publication, cancerning my final years at sea, 1977 - 1992, as a merchant navy radio officer. Now sold out, but still available as a download via this link: Scroll down a bit after it opens to read the synopsis. Then, if you wish to purchase a download, a button is provided for £4.99
From Good Hope to St Helena